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Fox Harvard is currently a NY-based fashion, commercial, & portrait photographer. Born in Tampa and raised in Sarasota, he's shot internationally from Paris to London and primarily works in THE U.S. Fox began private art lessons in adolescence and went on to attend a private performing arts high school before proceeding to study Studio Arts at the University of South Florida. He attributes his present style to applying the same creative approach to photography as he did to painting. The majority of his work possesses an overtly uninhibited and cinematic flair, incorporating strong emotive and sentimental qualities that, regardless of subject matter, seem to allude to a time not long forgotten. His work captures the undisguised beauty of the people he works with and simultaneously professes an undying love for elegance & sensuality.

Fox’s dedication to constantly creating shows an almost obsessive nature that resonates in his imagery. his Recent exhibitions include shows at the soho photo gallery in chelsea, Feroce's in Lyon, France, Ono Arte in Bologna, and by special invitation to Vogue's fashion night outin milano, italy. His commercial work can be seen online for clients FROM BIOTHERM TO CALVIN KLEIN, and is currently represented by Vogue's Art+Commerce IN THE E.U. and The Licensing Project IN NEW YORK. His editorial pieces can continually be found in fashion and lifestyle magazines such as vogue, glamour, ELLE, HARPER'S BAZAAR, MARIE CLAIRE, ALLUREesquire, women's health, cosmo, and jolie.


Indifferemment du medium avec lequel j'ai toujours choisi de travailler, je suppose que c'est pour l'essentiel ce que j'ai tente' de capturer et de resoudre depuis mes premieres peintures, comme enfant, et jusqu'e mes dernieres photographies: pourquoi je ressens d'une certaine facon, certaine chose que je vois, d'ou vient ce sentiment, et comment je peux l'integrer a mon travail?

Chaque medium, chaque piece a sa facon d'etre, tout comme chaque artiste pris individuellement a sa facon d'exister; c'est la responsabilite de l'artiste de donner vie a cette problematique. C'est notre devoir d'incessamment nous pousser, ainsi que les autres, non pas seulement a chercher mais a definir une vision unique et creative qui parle pour elle-meme, et parle fort.

Continue de photographier.

Avec l'amour,
Fox Harvard

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